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tv   Eyewitness Noon News  CBS  March 31, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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radiation scare. scientists try to calm fierce after radiation starts showing up in mills on the west coast. >> how it's connected to the nuclear crisis in japan. hello. i'm don scott. >> i'm jessica kartalija. as japan struggles withs it nuclear crisis, more equipment is being sent to help. more traces of radiation are turning up here in the u.s. >> reporter: the united nations wants japan to expand the evacuation zone around the damaged fukushima power plant. there's now a 12-mile mandatory zone. high radiation levels have been discovered in a sprig 25 miles away. inside the zone police inside protective suits are looking for
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bodies killed in the earthquake and tsunami. they recovered 19 on wednesday but many more are smissments officials say concerns about radiation are slowing the work. the latest tests of sea water show radiation levels are still rising, now more than 4300 times the legal limit. the crisis is turning fukushima into a ghost town. the city is outside the evacuation zone, but residents enmass rush home from work to minimize radiation expose smumplet trains are not running and shops are closing at 5 p.m. this merchant said it's lonely at night. no one is outside. more traces of radiation are showing up in the u.s. milk in washington state and california are testing positive. >> radiation can be a scary word. it's important to remember we're surrounded by radiation every day. it comes from the sun, from our television, our telephone. >> reporter: health officials said consumers are not -- should
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not worry. it's below standards set by the fda, including standards for infants. >> french president nicolas sarkozy is in japan. a team of experts from the u.s. also arrived with a remote controlled robot. new developments in the battle over lib ya. nato now controls the skies but on the ground rebels are on the run. there are also reports that cia operatives are on the ground in lib ya. the intelligence agency sent in teams earlier this month to assist the rebels. a high ranking member of the baltimore police department has been suspended. mike hellgren is outside police headquarters. good afternoon. >> reporter: it boils down to this. someone else had possession of that weapon. it belongs to major anthony
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brown. he's in the special operations section. police wanted to make sure if he sold it, he did so under procedures. police say an investigation is underway to determine how the owner of arco restaurant scale into possession of a 38 caliber smith and west son revolver. the gun was reported stolen. it was traced back to major brown. wjz obtained a copy of the police report. under state law any gun sales must be recorded. it's unclear how ram most got it from major brown. >> our plan is to present it to the state's attorney's office to determine if there's any criminal violations, any laws broken during the process. >> reporter: major brown has
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been administratively suspended. it's unclear whether he will face charges. the penalties include jail time and fines. >> we're going to err on the side of holding ourselves accountable. this does not mean that major brown did anything wrong but while the investigation is going on we have decided to suspend him. >> reporter: police want to stress again that no charge has been filed against anyone in the case. they say major brown has been cooperating. reporting live at city headquarters, mike hellgren reporting. >> major brown has been on the force for three decades. clouds and rain to start our day. it's more of the same this noon. marty bass and tim williams are tracking radar. we begin with tim. wish it were a better afternoon weather wise. want to show you first warning doppler radar. we have light showers moving
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across the region. they just zoo seem to get out of heemplet even when the showers aren't there, we're looking at gray conditions. open this up. we have more stuff out to the west and down to the south and a few areas of low pressure that will be moving on to our -- across the area that will bring us yet more showers. the story here and we'll show you with this one graphic is this is going to be a rain event for us. yeah, you might see wet snow showers mixed in, but there will be snow, not necessarily for this area. how it will make the news, we'll send it over to marty. you're going to be hearing about this on the news all day tomorrow. this is going to be a preallot ni -- pretty big winter like storm with some folks getting up to a foot plus of snow. this will be a big event, not in our portion of the mid-atlantic but our side of the country. all right. enough of this rain, enough of
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this talk of snow. when is spring finely going to get here. in the desert southwest there is building warmth and you know it's moving our way, and it s meteorologist tim williams coming up with details on one storm and one developing system coming towards your neighborhood. now, we'll throw it back to you. the utilities in maryland could have a reason to get your power back on after an outage. lawmakers are imposing a penalty. >> reporter: back in january, thousands of customers were left without power for days while crews fixed downed lines. now the general assembly is considering fines for every day their service is not available. the fine would cost them 2 1/2% of their gross revenue. that percentage translates to a $4 million fine every day.
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it will also prevent utility companies from simply passing the fines along to customers. don, back to you. >> the full senate could pass the bill this week. the fines for bad service could begin as soon as next year. soon you'll have to dig deeper in those pockets to take a right -- ride on the bus or train. the mta is looking to increase its fares, the first time in eight years. mta said it's to help balance the budget. turning to sports, it's opening day in major league baseball. several teams will get their start today. as for the orioles, buck showalter and his team have one more day. they will play the tampa bay rays and after that the detroit tigers on monday. you'll see it live on wjz 13 and
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our coverage begins at 2 p.m. stick around for the game, a full day of orioles baseball live on wjz 13 on monday. i have my t shirt ready and i have a feeling it will be covered up. >> with a coat. >> and an umbrella. still to come, what caused this scene inside the ohio state senate last night. >> bad rap. why the nba is taking a hard look at the actions of rap per jay z. stick around. your complete weather forecast still coming up.
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emotions run high as ohio lawmakers pass legislation stripping collective bargaining rights from public workers. it was narrowly passed as angry workers looked on. the bill still allows unions to negotiate wages but not healthcare or pension benefits and gets rid of automatic pay increases and prevents them from
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striking. >> if anybody thinks they are public or private sect for in the middle class that they will be better off by this bill, they are sadly mistaken. >> this is a bill that will allow management to make the kinds of decisions they need to make in a tough environment. >> the issue will likely end up in the hands of voters. opponents say they will seek the signatures to put it on the ballot. the top federal transportation investigator said the speeding bus was going over 80 miles an hour when it struck a pole. the speed limit is 50 miles an hour. it's unclear if charges will be filed against the driver who was driving with a suspended license. hip-hop star jay z sings about having 99 problems. now one of them is an investigation. he is under investigation for
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this visit with the kentucky men's basketball tee. the artist posed for pictures and talked with players following their last win. as part owner of the new jersey nets that could result in a steep fine from the league. after days of wild speculation we know who won the megamillions jackpot in new york state. the group of seven state workers came forward a few hours ago and claimed their $319 million prize. they have chosen the lump sum pay m each should walk away with more than $19 million. i believe that's before taxes. >> still, i'd take it. >> you think you got $319 million. you get $19 instead. still ahead a cold and dreary start to our day today. will these rain clouds stick around? your first warning forecast,,,,,
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taking a look out at -- out from our harbor camera, you see the raindrops on the camera, on the lens. it's that type of a day. yes, you will in fact need your wipers. of course, as we like to mention, wipers and headlights it is the low. we're looking at several areas of low pressure.
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what we will see are areas that bring us rain from the west and another disturbance from the south. this low will track across and up the coastline as marty showed earlier, it means we'll see snow moving into the northeast. we may see light snow showers around but nothing of consequence. our temperatures are up around 40 degrees. 40 at bwi-marshall. humidity at 96% a northeast wind at 8 miles an hour. barometer at 29.82. temperatures ranging from 31 in oakland. 36 in cumberland. 40 in elkton. 47 on the shore. temperatures are around 37. westminster towards carroll county and 40 in annapolis, kent island and 41 rock hall. the north wind is bringing the
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cool air. until we get out from under that the warmth billing in the desert southwest, we're not going to see much change in the weather but it will warm up. we have warmer air building through the weekend. after these disturbances start to push away the warm air moves. the jet stream will lift up. the cold air gets pushed up to the north. for us we'll she or spring-like temperatures heading into the first week of april. small craft advisory goes into effect at 6:00. that stays with us through tomorrow. temperatures below the normal high of 58 now, 59. we'll be around 36. 36 or 37 tonight. 50s tomorrow, gradually creeping up, a few showers around, especially in the morning, cloudy for the rest of the day. still to come, pass the salt but watch out for that keyboard.
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baseball season is here. the orioles will soon be back on the field at camden yards. if you want to see your favorite photographic memories, email them to wjz web alert at and look for them has part of the slideshow at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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in today's healthwatch report, female athletes who suffer concussions report different symptoms. in addition to the nutritional headache high school girls are more likely to complain about a sensitivity to light or sleepless nements male teams are more likely to report a loss of memory or balance control. technology is changing our eating habits. a survey finds students are more likely to have their meal while sitting at the computer than a table. research shows they're interacting with more people on the internet than they would if they were in a big dining room. be sure to check in with eyewitness news today. teacher abuse. what a special education student was forced to do in class. easter is two weeks away. one of the largest chocolate makers will make this more
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expensive for us. join us for these stories and more at,,,,,,,,
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with my friends, we'll do almost anything. out for drinks, eats. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. a lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip.
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when that picture came up, i thought where is the five-day fra. tomorrow gray skies, damp, chilly. the normal is going to be up to 60. sunshine comes back, reflects into a cool pool of air. 58 and sunny sunday. monday, we may have an afternoon instability shower for the same reason. 54 for opening day. i don't see a washout. look at that. 66, 70 as the warm front comes our way on tuesday. we'll feel spring by mid-week. >> don't forget the umbrella. don't forget lineup. at 10:00 it is "the mentalist" followed by eyewitness news at 11. there's a saying -- another day, another dollar.
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when you're leonardo dicaprio, you bring in more than that. he will get $5 million for a commercial. that is $100,000 for every second on camera. >> can you say -- can you pay me now? >> we'll see you,, mr. perdue! mr. perdue! what does it mean that perdue is the first chicken company to have a usda process verified program? it means the usda verifies that my fresh, fit & easy chicken is raised cage-free and fed an all-veggie diet with no animal by-products. is it true your chickens are never given any hormones or steroids? yes, it's true. [ camera shutters clicking ] so, what's next? is there a movie deal? thank you... [ chickens clucking ] now ladies, don't get any ideas. [ male announcer ] perdue. the first chicken company
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to have usda process verified programs.
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